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The David Azimi Group

Mark Rene

Marc Rene is an exclusive partner of the David Azimi Realty Group. He is considered a multimedia “Creative Djinn” specializing in enriching the human experience via photography, video, illustration and design. Whatever your creative or marketing needs, Marc has the resources to see it come into fruition or assemble a team to bring it to life. 

Marc’s credits include work for Cartoon Network, Disney, Creative Juices Design, the San Jose Sabercats, Public Speaking Los Angeles, the National Forensics Association, Fry’s Electronics, COGnitive Gaming, NACL eSports, PRO Management, and Guinness World Record holding comedian Sammy Obeid. He attended graduate school at Illinois State University and was the top collegiate national public speaking champion. 

When Marc isn’t collaborating and creating, he enjoys intellectual battles with his 6 year old daughter and throwing down on the basketball court.

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